11 Things to Know Before You WWOOF – WWOOFer Volunteer Learn on Organic Farms
After volunteering for five days on small farm– complete with ultra fresh meals and a bit of farming work in a picture perfect setting — I’ve learned a good bit about WWOOFing (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms). In retrospect, there are a few things I wish I would have known before going. You Don’t Have to Work Long Hours Because some farms don’t need all the volunteers they have at one time, or if you are paying for part of your stay, you don’t necessarily have to work long 8+ hour farming days…. Your answer, be it “I spent all my money and need to live for free until my plane ticket home” or “I want to know how to garden” or “I want a different experience” should help you figure out what type of farm you want and how long you want to stay.