Are You Traveling Safe during Pregnancy?

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Last Updated on August 1, 2022 by Greg Head

Traveling Safe during Pregnancy – Waiting for 9 long months to travel can be a tough choice for a travel fanatic like you in case of pregnancy, right?

Traveling during pregnancy whether, by road, air or boat can be risky.

It has its own set of challenges that may cause a threat to your health.

But, thanks to the advancement in the insurance sector, travelling during pregnancy can be covered by most of the best travel insurance India.

And, in this regard, a little knowledge can make all the difference in the world when it comes to treating your itchy feet while you’re expecting.
Traveling Safe during Pregnancy

What’s Covered for a Woman with a Cute Baby Bump!

Although the coverage may vary from one insurance provider to another, some of the common coverage include:

  • Medical expenses during hospitalization
  • Pre-hospitalization expense cover
  • Post-hospitalization expense cover
  • Delivery expenses
  • Ambulance charges incurred in transporting the patient to the hospital
  • Vaccination charges
  • Pre and post-natal expenses based on the type of delivery
  • Newborn baby cover in case of congenital illness
  • Emergency expenses
  • Personal Accident

Wait! Health Insurance Not Everything is Covered

Not every insurer offers pregnancy cover.

Some cases, you will have to bear an additional premium.

Make sure, you confirm with the insurer regarding the coverage, as travel insurance with maternity cover comes with some limitations as well.

Health insurance cover remains inactive in the following situations:

  • If the insured pregnant woman is travelling without the consent of her health adviser, any claim arising out of a complication will be denied.
  • Any claim arising out of a complication that is persisting during pregnancy, will not be covered. To ensure travel coverage, it should be an emergency claim.
  • It the duration of travelling period exceeds the permitted pregnancy week, no coverage would be offered.
  • The newborn baby is not covered unless he/she is suffering from a congenital disorder

Nevertheless, some insurance provider may allow you to skip these limitations by paying an extra premium.

Or some may consider pregnancy as a medical condition under their travel insurance plans, where you have to pay an additional premium to get coverage.

Hence, it is better to be clear about the policy terms and conditions before say ‘yes’ to a random policy.

Tips Traveling Safe During Your First or Second Trimester!

There are some commonsense advise while traveling during your first or second trimester to avoid unexpected complications, no matter how do you travel or what’s your destination country:

  • Trip insurance is essential to cover those unexpected risks that can cause huge out-of-pocket expenses
  • Schedule those visits to your doctor before your trip starts to avoid last hour rush and to ensure a green signal from your physician
  • Don’t forget to keep your medical reports, medicines along with
  • Make sure you’re travelling with a companion. Also, store the contact number if your obstetrician in case of emergency.
  • Have an idea about the weather, local laws, language etc. of your destination country
  • Keep a track of the healthcare centers in the country, to avoid from running pillar to post in case of a medical emergency.
  • Don’t get lured by food available outside. Try not eating outside. Even if you do make sure the pace is with utmost hygiene.
  • Walk as much as possible, take frequent small food at regular intervals, increase your liquid intake while travelling
  • Wear comfortable and loose outfit to make your stay comfy
  • Last but not the least, take your regular dose of medicines, folic acid supplements, vitamins, food with antioxidants, protein, iron, calcium and mineral.

Why is a Special Insurance Cover Required For Pregnant Travelers

Travel insurance is essential for all type of travelers, especially the one who love to explore new places.

And it is more necessary if you’re travelling during pregnancy.

No doubt, maternity comes with certain complications and restrictions to be adhered, with proper precautions, you can live up on your dreams.

One such thing is travel insurance covering maternity.

Even an optimum domestic travel insurance policy will cover all potential risks associated with traveling, especially when you’re expecting.

Most importantly, healthcare services are highly-priced in most of the foreign countries, where even a minor medical emergency could cost you a bomb.

Hence, make your travel plans accordingly and get these handy travel tips.

Moreover, it comes with other benefits as well.

You never know when you need to cancel a pre-planned trip due to a health issue.

With travel insurance, you can cover the incurred expenses.

So, if your next trip is awaited, consider buying travel insurance online to get it done instantly.

When Is It Too Late To Buy Travel Insurance

**Want to perfectly plan out your trip? Check out our vacation planning tips here!!!**

How Soon Can You Travel With a Newborn

To Sum Up Traveling While Pregnant!

It’s incorrect to say that pregnant women can’t travel.

They can but only with precautions and extra care.

And, travel insurance comes first if we talk about travel precautions.

The second most important thing is to travel with the consent of your physician.

Also, weigh whether the travel is necessary or not!